Amsterdam-based Auris has been around for over five years now. His deep love for soulful and jazzy drum and bass can be found throughout his sets and productions, landing him releases on labels such as Vandal Ltd, Goldfat, Differential and more.

Fully focusing his efforts on drum and bass. He’s developed a unique flavour, taking inspiration from artists like FD, Villem and Paul SG. Having found his style, Auris is continuously improving his craft. He isn’t just limiting himself to jazzy music either, with gnarly rollers and heavy basslines found right in the midst of everything.

Due to his distinctive sound and vast experience playing out, Auris’ DJ-sets are a true experience. Just like his original music, his DJ-sets are filled with variation, class and intrigue, never boring the listener and always delivering the perfect blend.

Represented by : Maarten van Meerbeek

